About us
We believe that LCE has been called and established to help all that come under our care to Grow in all aspects of their lives. We do this through a Balanced Approach to ministry. We believe that in order for well-rounded Growth to take place, Balance is an essential ingredient in this pursuit.
Our goal is to ultimately Impact the life of the whole man..... Spiritually, Personally, Emotionally, Domestically, and Financially. We are intentional about the success of this undertaking, so through our Target Ministries, Small Groups, Fellowships, Empowerment Seminars, and various other ministries, we are committed to providing the opportunity for a Life Changing Experience to everyone who desires to receive it.
our pastors
Darold Montgomery
Pastor Montgomery is an anointed Preacher, Teacher, Visionary, Motivator, Builder, and Pioneer, and is a highly sought after minister of the gospel. Pastor Montgomery is a mentor and Spiritual Father to many and is anointed to speak to Leaders, Musicians, Men, Women, Youth, and Lay People.
It is his heart’s desire to carry out the task that has been set to his hands to do; and that is the Change Lives, one mind at a time. The theme of his
life and ministry is found in Genesis 12:1-3 and Romans 12:1-2.
Karen Montgomery
Co-Pastor Karen has a love for the women of
God. She ministers to women of all ages and backgrounds teaching them how to obtain a Life Changing Experience and leading them by being a model and an example. She also leads the L.I.F.E. (Living In Full Effect) Women's Ministry at LCE where she is known for her innovative and fun filled women events. She is a licensed and ordained preacher and teacher of the gospel. Her ability to articulate the word of God has allowed her to be called upon to minister at many different churches and conferences with a powerful word for women.
What We Believe
We are excited about what God is doing here at the Life Changing Experience Worship Center. We strongly believe that God has chosen to do a portion of His great kingdom work here on earth through the Vision of this church. We want to take this opportunity to help you to understand and get you acquainted with our Vision.
WE BELIEVE that the Holy Bible, as penned in the original manuscripts, is the inspired, infallible Word of God. The Bible is to be our guide concerning All matters of life and faith. The Bible also shows us God’s principles and standards for living.
WE BELIEVE in the One True God, eternally existent in three persons, triune in His manifestation, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. (The Trinity)
WE BELIEVE that God the Father is the Creator of the entire universe and every thing that exists within it.
WE BELIEVE that Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of the Father; born of the virgin Mary; and is All God and All Man. We believe that He suffered, died, was buried, and rose from the dead for our total Salvation.
We further believe that through the Blood of Jesus Christ is the only way that mankind can be reconciled unto the Father.
WE BELIEVE in Justification by Faith, that salvation is free apart from any work of man, and is a result of the sovereign Grace of God.
WE BELIEVE in the Lord’s Supper (Communion) and in the partaking of it on a regular basis.
WE BELIEVE in Water Baptism (by immersion) through which we as believers publicly identify with the death, burial, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.
WE BELIEVE in the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, with the evidence of speaking in other tongues; a gift that should be desired by every believer.
WE BELIEVE that every believer should desire both the Fruits and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, for the word admonishes us to pursue love, yet earnestly desire spiritual gifts.
WE BELIEVE in the Return of the Lord Jesus Christ to the earth in power and glory. We then believe that there will be the resurrection and judgement of both the Saved and the Lost: the Saved unto Eternal Life and the Lost unto Eternal Hell.
Sunday Services
From the moment you drive onto our property, you will be
greeted with open arms and friendliness. In our service, you
will experience a family atmosphere, wonderful worship, and
a life-changing Word from Pastor Montgomery.
Cultivating your relationship with Christ is a journey that becomes even more meaningful when you share it with others. If you're truly looking to connect with others, always know that LCE has an empty seat waiting
just for you.
Also, we have amazing ministries for kids from kindergarten all the way through high school.